Clinical References

box2-imageThese Clinical References provide us with supporting clinical evidence for our current knowledge and information concerning the major mineral functions, and also reciprocally, have informed our databases relative to mineral deficiencies and their probable connection to disease.

All of these studies and references have been performed with the highest bar of scientific standard using placebo-controlled/double-blind research studies.

We offer these to you as substantial references and peer reviews, and we leave the final analysis and considerations to your logic and common-sense as to their relevance.

While these and all studies are actually samplings of populations, we believe that they are nevertheless very relevant, and can point to a new compass direction leading us towards the real, fundamental building blocks of daily health and healing.

The Incidence of Heart Disease Has Increased 800 Percent Since 1900, Along with a 50 Percent Steady Decline of Magnesium Consumption During the Same Period

The correlation between decreasing magnesium and the dramatic rise of heart disease is significant in many studies. Magnesium is highlighted as the key and critical mineral nutrient factor that is consistently missing in our diets, and strongly correlates with our current, increasing rise in heart disease.

Ford E. "Serum Magnesium and Ischaemic Heart Disease, Findings from a Sample of US Adults" International Journal of Epidimeology 28 (1999): 645–651.

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency Relating to Heart Disease, a Direct Result of Chronic Magnesium Deficiencies

The following physiological symptoms in these studies have high correlation with magnesium (Mg) deficiency: calcium entry into cells; overreactivity to adrenaline; overproduction of cholesterol; clotting in blood vessels; high sodium-potassium ratios; insulin resistance; coronary arteriosclerosis; and oxidative stress.

Altura, BM and Altura, BT. "Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Magnesium," Magnesium & Trace Elements 10 (1991): 679–682.

Magnesium and Trace Elements Are Directly Necessary for the Production of Over 2,000 Enzymes in the Body, and Indirectly for Thousands of Others

The active role minerals and trace elements play in enzyme production in your body is well-known; once the body has sufficient minerals, it will naturally produce hundreds of its own required enzymes. This includes but is not limited to enzymes that: break-down glucose (blood sugar); control the production of cholesterol; make nucleic acids such as DNA; make proteins; and break down fats.

Altura, BM. "Basic Biochemistry and Physiology of Magnesium, a Brief Review," Magnesium & Trace Elements 10 (1991): 167–171.

Magnesium Is the Critical Co-factor in the Production of the Energy Molecule ATP

Magnesium is a direct and essential factor in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production, and hence supports our very energy. ATP exists in all living cells and is life's energy batteries; ATP is the essential energy mechanism that literally stores and releases energy back and forth in the human body. Magnesium must be present for ATP to be produced and functioning. Resultant from the production of ATP molecules, magnesium is by definition also an integral co-factor in thousands of related enzymatic reactions.

Altura, BM. and Altura, BT. "Role of Magnesium in Physiological Processes and the Clinical Utility of Magnesium Ion Selective Electrodes," Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 224 (1996): 211–234.

Low Magnesium Levels Have High Correlation to Incidence with Metabolic Syndrome X

Low-serum magnesium studies show the creation of high calcium levels inside of cells, which is the precursor to metabolic syndrome X, the substrate of adult-onset and Type II diabetes.

Resnick, LM. "Cellular Ions in Hypertension, Insulin Resistance, Obesity, and Diabetes, a Unifying Theme." Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 3 (1992): 78–85.

Magnesium Is Safe

Even administering magnesium intraveneously is safe, and this technique is being used increasingly in hospitals for raising the magnesium serum levels in patients in which magnesium is critically low. An adult-dosage of ocean-derived minerals, for example, is perfectly safe.

Holtzgartner, H., Maier, E., and Vierling, W. "High Dosage Oral Magnesium Therapy in Arrhythmias, Results in an Observational Study in 1,160 Patients with Arrhythmia." Forschitte der medizin, (Germany) 108 (1990): 539–542.

A Strong Magnesium Status in the Body Makes Exercise Beneficial

Adequate levels of magnesium in the blood serum must be present in both the utilization of glucose/ATP and the body's response to the stress of exercise. Consequently, magnesium can improve our energy, strength, and endurance, and can prevent or reduce muscle cramping during and after exercise. Importantly and conversely, inadequate levels of serum magnesium along with exercise can severely use up the bodies' tissue reserve of the mineral, compounding the body's need for it. This can create potentially dangerous mineral deficiency symptoms such as cardiac arrhythmia and more.

Konig, D., Weinstock, C., Keul, J. "Zinc, Iron, and Magnesium in Athletes, Influence on the Regulation of Exercise-Induced Stress and Immune Functions," Exercise Immunology Review 4 (1998): 2–21.